What People are Saying
We couldn't let Thanksgiving pass without letting you know how thankful we are for you and the work that you do. We caught Wynn in his first indoor Corgi frap this morning - his corgi nature is coming out more each day. |
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My dear, you really have a blessing with your ability to match dog to owner. Keep up the good work ,,, little corgis need good homes. It was so good to see you again and Bob said Coco was just overjoyed when she spotted you. Thanks for meeting us there. As you can see, our little girl is the picture of health and happy as can be. She is such a delight and has added so much to our lives. She keeps us laughing with her antics.
Coco - owner of Bob and Carol Seuferling![]() |
Hey, gal, you are one of my rescue heroes. I like the way you do rescue, and I so admire your honesty, integrity and compassion and commitmen to the animals - regardless of their breed. We need to clone you, my friend. (smile) Judy Bishop
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead An Indian legend says: " When a human dies there is a bridge they must cross to enter into Heaven. At the head of the bridge waits every animal that human encountered during their lifetime. The animals, based on what they know of this person, decide which humans may cross the bridge...and which are turned away."
(March 3, 2015) I can't believe that it was one month ago today that I brought my sweet Missy home! Time flies when you are having fun. It seems like she has been here forever as she is just the perfect dog for me. She goes to bed when I do, no matter what time and she gets up when I do, no matter what time. She likes to play a little, snuggle a lot, and has charmed all who have met her. She has liked the snow, but hasn't LOVED it like my Muffin did. I plan to take her into the vets office soon for them to weigh her again to see how she is doing on her weight loss plan. Her hair on her rump is growing back but it has a ways to go to match the rest of her beautiful hair. I take pictures of her, but when she is really doing something cute, by the time I get my camera, she quits and comes running over to see what I am doing... Thanks again for all you did to get her ready for me and her forever home. Margaret
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I thought you would like to see that Be Be is all settled in. She is watching TV with my youngest grandchild. I hope your holidays were as fun as ours. Be Be really added to our Joy. She is a treasure. I don't know what we did without her. |
Ellie is doing great! I can't get over how GOOD of a dog she is! We were very impressed with your rescue mission. You really love your corgis! Thanks again for matching us with Ellie. We will keep in touch!
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This past Tuesday I took Buddy to his first vet appointment. The vet was so happy to see all his paperwork and that you did so much for him. She said that it's really rare to see rescues have dogs microchipped, have their teeth cleaned, and all of the other things that you did for Buddy. She was very impressed and said that you are running a very wonderful rescue :) |
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We just wanted to give you an update on how we are doing. We can't believe it's been a year since we got Lucy Lu, it feels like we've known her our whole life. She has definitely brighten up our days and brings us so much joy and laughter! Lucy is doing great, learning more every single day, she's overcome the separation anxiety she had every time we left the house, loves her puppy play dates with her friends and her cuddle times with mommy and daddy. She's still a "picky eater", although we've realized that it is not so much being picky, but more that she hates eating the same thing every day, which is understandable, haha. We season her food with can foods (they have to be different flavors too ;) ) and she eats the whole thing! We also taught her how to ring some bells we have hanging from the door so that we know when she needs to go out potty.
Sadie is doing great. She and Winston are getting along fine and long as Sadie isn't sitting in our laps!! He doesn't want to sit in our laps, he just doesn't want Sadie there!! They are sharing toys very well and doing well with eating together. Sadie started to squat and pee in the floor and Winston barked at her and went to the door and rang the bells to go outside!! I think they are too smart for their own good. She has not had any accidents in the house since we have been home. I went home for lunch and they were running and playing. Sadie really likes to sit in our laps and cuddle. But she also is playing very well with Winston too. They have made a racetrack out of our living room and dining room. It is really great to watch them play!! Thank you so much for thinking about us when you heard about Sadie!! We feel so blessed to have her as a part of our family. We will keep you updated!! Thanks again, Brenda and Jason |
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