
This happy boy is Felix, approximately 5 years old and quite the character. He was loved by his family but his medical issues were more than they could take on so he was surrendered to Corgi Connection of Kansas. Felix had bilateral perineal hernias (https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/reproductive/c_dg_perineal_hernia) which fortunately for him CCK has dealt with before. Surgery was performed at Kansas State University Dec. 14 along with repair of a "cherry eye" and removal of a very small benign lump in the other eye. Staples were removed Dec. 29 and he is doing remarkbly well with the exception of a bald butt! But that too will be on the mend as well. Care for a dog that has had hernia repair such as Felix requires consistency in his diet and daily doses of Lactulose, a relatively inexpensive laxative for dogs. It does require a prescription and can be purchased either through your vet, Wal-Mart, Chewy and other outlets. It cost approximately $15 a pint. Currently he receives a small dose, approx. 4 mg, three times a day to keep him regular. It's important he does not have to strain to poop but not to the point of diarrhea. His foster mom will be available for guidance and any questions.

Felix bumAside from his medication Felix is a very typical corgi that LOVES to go for multiple daily brisk walks and be with his people. Walking also helps with the bowel movements. He is in a foster home with an older male corgi which he gets along with just fine. We do not know about cats and he came from a home with children but we would not recommend any children under the age of 8.

Felix is house-trained and crate trained. He does NOT do well on car rides and will have to be crated whever he is in the car. He is overall a very happy boy who is much happier now that he is more comfortable. He is neutered and current on vaccinations, heart-worm and flea-tick prevention.

His adoption fee is $300. If you are interested in this sweet boy, applications can be submitted through this link.


The picture of his bum was taken 12-21; just 7 days post-op. Swelling has gone down and his fur beginning to grow back.